Posted: 3:54 PM
IF YOU WANT A RESPONSE please read entire post; if i can twll you havent, I
simply won't respond. thank you.
**Please provide as many details in your initial text**** i receive a lot of
requests and see very few people, so by the time i circle back around for
details, my schedule is already full.
***MOST, IF NOT ALL QUESTIONS can be answered by visiting my tryst: here :
for HUNDREDS of free, current pictuees and videos, visit my twitter
I'M NOT A SHORT NOTICE/ "AVAILABLE RN" girl. i always require at least a
couple hours notice .For morning meetings i typically need to know the night
I do not require a deposit but i do require verification in the form of a
video chat , as its the most accurate and mutally fair for both parties. If
you read this post ,
If you review my Tryst and Twitter , and look up my reviews on Eccie, Erotic
Monkey and Ter, there will be no doubt in your mind that i am real, honest and
hands down one of the most highly reviewed and reputable providers in western
New York. You should always research every provider you are looking to see.
Finally , Remember, it is YOU making a request of ME. I treat others with
respect and expect the same in return. I rent extremely nice , discrete ,
upscale rooms and suittes and ask my visitors to conduct themselves properly. I
take my privacy and the privacy of my guests
very seriously, so if you're looking for a quick in and out sort of visit or a
party girl, I'm definitely not for you.
my tryst and twitter for need to know info as well as hundreds of free and
current photos updated weekly